Your Dog and Thanksgiving

Dogs and Thanksgiving Turkey

Dogs are actually allowed to have a piece of the raw turkey if you want to give your doggie a special treat. Many dogs are on the raw food diet and this is no different. It will make your dog very happy on thanksgiving. But just don’t give them the whole turkey 😉 Please keep in mind that if this is your first time giving raw meat, it may upset their tummy.

Marshall, Amy. “Thanksgiving Foods for Dogs: Facts & Myths – Primal Pooch.” Primal Pooch. N.p., 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.

Doggin’ Around Day Care, Ventura CA, Dog Day Care

Dogs and Thanksgiving Feast

Thinking of a fun activity for your dog during your Thanksgiving dinner? Get your dog a Kong. Stuff some sweet potato, a little turkey, a little gravy and some of their regular dog food. They can have their own thanksgiving treats. The both of you will have a nice Thanksgiving.

“Thanksgiving Safety Tips.” N.p., n.d. Web.

Dogs and Thanksgiving Desserts

When you bring out your dessert after your big meal, make sure it is in a safe place. The dogs get very motivated trying to find the source to that delicious smell. Their smell is about 10,00 – 100,000s  more sensitive than humans.

Golon, Caroline. “25 Cool Dog Facts – Petfinder.” Petfinder 25 Cool Dog Facts Comments. PBS, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015